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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Office efficiency- 5 steps to improving your office


Many of us have worked in or run an office as our primary job. There can be a lot going on day to day and we often have tasks, goals and the ever pressing monthly financials to balance. What often gets lost in the shuffle is the need to take a step back and evaluate the day to day processes that our staff conducts. The tyranny of the urgent has us chasing our tails and we never get a chance to look at what and how we do our "work."

All of us work at differing levels of efficiency in a day. I am a multi-tasking fool and am not productive unless I have 6 things on my plate. Many others in our office need total peace and quiet and no interruptions or else they cannot finish the simplest of tasks. So let’s look at those critical areas of work that can transform any office into a fine tuned machine or a wheel spinning out of control;

Technology - Is your office stuck in the dark ages and working on computer systems and programs that were created 10 years ago? The technology world is very dynamic, constantly changing and creating newer and more exciting office tools and processes. If you are not networking your computers, installing off-site viewing software, utilizing CRM software like or housing your files on the “cloud”, you are behind the technology curve!

Organization - This word can mean a lot of different things to many of us. Is the office layout smooth and conducive for working? Are your filing systems and operating systems in line with how your staff interacts with your customers? Does your staff understand the corporate hierarchy and who they report to?

Corporate Strategy - One of our key employees asked me the other day why she was doing a certain task that I had asked her to get done. I was shocked, as we were putting together sales brochures and books for our clients following our sales meeting. This seemed to be quite obvious, at least to me and yet here a key employee did not understand the importance nor understood why it helped facilitate the orders from our best customers. Share the what, where and why of your work sometime and see the enthusiasm of your team grow exponentially!

Simplify - It goes without saying that in these economic times we are all striving to increase revenues and lower our costs. That means we are exploring new channels of sales, working harder, implementing new programs, lowering overhead and in general adding A LOT to our plates everyday. I would suggest you evaluate doing just the OPPOSITE! Do what you do well, increase revenue with existing customers, tighten your fiscal belt BUT do not let your need for increased profits out weigh your need to run a happy, productive work environment!

Paper Reduction - In the technological world we live in now, it amazes me everyday to hear from office executives that they are drowning in paper. Copies, filing cabinets, manila folders and storage units of file folders that must be maintained for years given IRS and government compliance. The (nearly) paperless office is a reality, storing encrypted sensitive documents on virtual servers, accessible 24/7 and eliminating the most unproductive job any staffer could ever have; filing! Scan123 has been providing paperless solutions to 1000’s of customers every year.


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